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Image by Babs Gorniak

Diabetes NQ provide support for children, adolescents, and adults with all types of diabetes. Our passion is to educate and support our clients so that they can live their best life.

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About Me

Hi my name is Siobhan and like you, I too deal with and manage diabetes as my son has Type 1 diabetes and was diagnosed at age 6. I am a board member of the Type 1 Foundation and help raise much needed funds each year. I am involved in many research projects to help improve the lives and care of many people with Type 1 diabetes.

I am a certified insulin pump trainer so I can support you with insulin pump therapy and continuous glucose monitoring devices, and bolus calculators.

I understand how to support the you and not just the condition and that a person-centred care approach is what I aim to provide to lessen the burden on you and your family.

I want to provide support and education to people with diabetes in a non-judgemental way by motivating and empowering you to manage your condition the best way you can whilst acknowledging it is the most challenging and exhausting condition to manage.
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About Me

My Difference

At Diabetes North Queensland, our focus is on the individual, not just the condition. We understand that treating diabetes is not just about medications and blood glucose levels, but about helping the person to manage their everyday life. Our aim is to provide a person-centred care approach that lessens the burden on the client and their family. We understand what it takes to support the whole person, not just their physical health. We'll work with you to create an individualised treatment plan that works for you and your lifestyle.
Consultancy Service

Consultancy Service

I also offer diabetes training and support to health agencies, health providers, aged care homes, work places and family on all aspects of diabetes. The training provided can include management of insulin administration, hypoglycaemia from diabetes treatments to general education on diabetes.
Image by Brecht Deboosere

Our Fees

  • Initial Visit (1 Hour) is $130.00 
If you have a care plan from your General Practitioner then Medicare can reimburse $58 leaving a gap of $72
  • Review Consultation (45mins) is $90.00 
  • Insulin Pump Start Packages  Quote on Request 
Insulin Pump Start Packages with Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices (Medtronic 780g with SmartGuard, Tandem T:slim with Control IQ and YpsoPump with Cam APS
This includes Insulin pump start appointment for 3-4 hours, insulin pump, health fund and Endocrinologist forms with 1 follow up review post insulin pump start included in this package.
Image by Patrick Fore


At Diabetes North Queensland, our goal is to help you manage and overcome your Diabetes. Our referral service accepts referrals from Endocrinologists, General Practitioners, and individuals who self-refer. We provide comprehensive assessments and personalized treatment plans to improve your health. If you have a Chronic Disease Care plan from your General Practitioner, you may be eligible for a Medicare rebate.

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